1.       What are the features of developing countries with special reference to India?
2.       Explain the role of international trade in economic development.
3.       What are the advantages and disadvantages of privatization in India?
4.       What are the obstacles to Globalization in India?
5.       What are the factors favourable to Globalization in India?
6.       Define Globalization and what are the essential conditions of Globalization in India.
7.       What are the causes for rapid growth of population in our economy?
8.       What are the causes and measures for unequal distribution of income and wealth?
9.       What are the causes and remedial measures for unemployment?
10.    What are the causes and controlling measures of poverty in India?
11.    Explain the importance of agriculture sector in India.
12.    What are the causes for low agricultural productivity and suggest some measures to improve it?
13.    What are the defects of agricultural marketing?
14.    Critically explain 1991 Industrial Policy resolution.
15.    What is the role and problems of small scale industries in our economy?
16.    Define service sector and write the importance of service sector in our economy?
17.    What is Tourism? Explain its importance in our country.
18.    Objectives of eleventh five year plan.
19.    Explain causes for regional imbalances and remedial measures?
20.    What are the achievements and features of Indian Five Year Plans?
1.       Differences between economic growth and economic development.
2.       Factors influencing economic development
3.       What are the salient features of Andhra Pradesh?
4.       Differences between GATT and WTO>
5.       Public sector policy in Liberalization?
6.       What are the objectives of GATT and WTO?
7.       Functions of WTO?
8.       Explain the theory of demographic transition?
9.       Occupational distribution of population in India / Andhra Pradesh
10.    Sectorial contribution of National Income.
11.    Different types of Unemployment.
12.    National Rural Health Mission.
13.    Importance of Micro-finance in elevation of poverty in our economy.
14.    Co-operative farming- reasons for failure.
15.    What is the impact of green revolution on our Economy?
16.    Cause for rural indebtedness.
17.    Importance of NABARD in Rural Credit.
18.    Role of Industrial Sector in our economy.
19.    Causes for Industrial backwardness.
20.    Industrial estates
22.    What is planning? Objectives of planning.
23.    Objectives of tenth five year plan.
24.    Importance of Infrastructure development.
25.    Bharat Nirman.
26.    Features of Tourism in India.
27.    Progress of software industry in India.
28.    Relation between environment and economy.
29.    What is an eco-system? Explain the parts of an eco-system?
30.    Renewable and non –renewable resources.
31.    What is sustainability? Explain the components of sustainability?
32.    What are the functions of environment and sources of environment pollution.
33.    Measures for conservation of forests.
34.    What is Air Pollution, causes and effects of air pollution?
35.    Rural and urban housing facilities in Andhra Pradesh.
36.    Jala Yagnam, Aarograsri, 104 and 108.
37.    Importance of Information Technology in A.P economic development.
38.    What is SGDP? Explain the trends in SGDP in AP?
39.    1948 and 1956 Industrial policy resolutions?
40.    Importance of education and health in economic development.
41.    Tenancy reforms.

       2      MARKS:
                                1. Per capita income                         
2. Planning commission’s definition                
3. MRTP                                                                                       
4. MFN                                                                                  
5. FDI                                                                                           
6. Disinvestment
7. TRIMs and TRIPs                                                                 
8. Great dividing year population                    
9. IMR, MMR, TFR                                                                   
10. Urbanization                                  
11. Service Sector                                                                      
12. HRD
13. Literacy Rate                                                                         
14. SSA, ISY                                                           
15. Mixed economy                                                                    
16. Weekly status unemployment   
17. Mixed Recall period & uniform Recall period                   
18. Poverty line, Poverty gap           
19. Micro Finance                                                                      
20. Absolute poverty, Relative poverty                          
21. Objectives of land reforms                                                  
22. RIDP                                                
23. Zamindari System                                                                 
24. Kissan Credit Card Scheme
25. SGSY                                                                                       
 26. Rythu Bazar                                                   
27. Sources of Rural Credit                                                       
28. Industrial Finance                         
29. UTI, SIDBI, SFC                                                                  
30. Priority sector
31. LIC, GIC                                                                                  
32. Micro Insurance                                           
33. Insurance density                                                                 
34. Science and technology                              
35. Solid Wastes                                                                         
36. NDC
37. Planning commission                                                           
38. E-wastes                                                         
39. Sustainable development                                                   
40. De-gradable pollutants                
41. Reasons for De-forestation                                                   
42. Bio Diversity
43. Noise                                                                                        
44. Land Degradation                                         
45. Artificial eco-system                                                              
45. Artificial eco-system                    
46. Regulated markets                               


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